I am beginning to believe the dollar is a security. I realize that can be earth shattering but hear me out. How do we determine what is a security versus a commodity? The Howey test, right? Let’s dig in.
As you might know, there are four questions to answer for the Howey Test. We are not talking almonds here; that is the origin of the Howey test. I am taking on the almighty dollar. The global reserve currency, which took over from the British sterling pound after the Allies won World War II.
First up, is the question of investment of money. Well, the dollar is not money. Are you shocked, dear reader? Sad but true. The US dollar is at best a currency. It is a worthless piece of paper that if tomorrow the US of A goes bust, you wouldn’t even wipe your ass with it. It’s too small. So what is the investment of money backing our currency? It used to be gold, as you may have heard. In fact, gold was such good money, things that are top flight are referred to as the “gold standard.” But then President Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971, a “temporary measure”, he said. Joke is on us because we are still waiting for real money. More on that later. I think that point is now made; the dollar did require an investment of money, previously gold and now it is backed by the debt-based US economy instead. I refer you to Parker A Lewis’s excellent book, “Gradually, then Suddenly.” for more on the Dollar vs. Bitcoin. Real money, if you must know.
Second up is the issue of expectations of profit. To tackle this monster, how can the dollar itself be an enterprise that yields profit, we need to adopt the right frame. You may not realize this, my son didn’t, but the dollar is issued by a private institution, the Federal Reserve. Surprised? That fact is hidden from the public by design. The better to swindle you with, my dear, said the Big Bad Wolf. The enterprise is the Federal Reserve and their product, their killer app is the US Dollar. And you better believe they expect profit. In fact it is a legal monopoly on money, just like OPEC is a legal monopoly on oil. Funny that, how these so-called democratic regimes look the other way when the monopoly is on things that benefit them but not say Big Tech. We have all heard of Microsoft being sued by the EU for their monopolistic practices. Not that Bill Gates needs defending; heck, I can’t tell if he is even a good guy. But that’s besides the point. The US dollar is issued by a central bank, the Federal Reserve, with the expectation of profit. Don’t be fooled. The profit is not for you and I, nah. It is for the bankers and their friends. The Cantillionaires. These are a special class of people who are first in line for the new drop of money. They are the VIPs, the anointed. Then, when the new merchandise has become commonplace (read here prices have adjusted to the new higher normal, aka inflation) then we lowly citizens get the newly issued dollars “on sale”. That just means our lives get expensive while our salaries stay the same or even goes down in real terms. You got a 3% raise at work. Inflation is at 6%, maybe more. You just got “demoted” and you didn’t even realize it. What a scam.
Next up, is the test of whether the dollar is a common enterprise. We all know that the US dollar is a commoner, not royal. Bad joke? My bad. I thought it was funny. The whole American revolutionary war and seceding from the British crown and such. Picking up the thread from test number two, the business of the dollar lives firmly in the private sector and not the public one. It is not minted through the US Department of Treasury like the architects of the American constitution intended. It is the legitimized “bastard” of a favored bank, existing in a market of one, without competition from other banks that would have exerted market forces and price dynamics for the full benefit of market consumers. The US dollar exists in a vacuum and is like a ghost that is unreal, untouched and untested. To summarize, the US dollar is a common enterprise due to the fact that it is a privately issued currency, not a government minted money, that is forced upon market operators, the world, rather than being a desirable commodity and a true market good. Such a scam. Remember the quote by Henry Ford about his new market offering, the Ford T model. He said something like you can have any color you want, as long as it is Black. Well, the US government, by making the Federal Reserve Act the law of the land is basically saying to Americans, you can have any money you want as long as it is the Federal Reserve’s dollar. Ford and cars have progressed and now you can buy any car you like, in any color you love. But we are still forced to “buy the dollar” which has no competition from GM or Chevrolet or anything. And money is infinitely more important to freedom than cars which allow you to travel freely. Money is the only way to be free. Do you get it now, dear reader? That’s how bad things are; we have the illusion of freedom but we are in servitude. No matter how many wars we send our kids to fight in the name of freedom. It is all a distraction. Blood is spilled on all sides for nothing. Only money.
This dovetails nicely with the final point of consideration to determine whether the dollar is a security. Does the dollar rely on the work of others to function? To address this, let’s think about what makes a commodity a commodity. What is the most famous commodity? Some would say gold. I say wheat. It is bread, it is life. It is humanity’s most celebrated food. Jesus “broke bread” with the disciples. The Romans recipe to the success of their republic was Bread and Circuses. Not the tamer version of modern times. When the romans say circuses, they mean the Colosseum games where prisoners went to battle with hungry beasts and died on the stage. But I digress once again. Here comes the hard truth, dear reader. The US dollar only functions because we the workers infuse it with value. Otherwise it is a worthless piece of paper. It is our country’s productivity that is being stolen and syphoned into the dollar through the credit system that is fueling the economy and fiscal spending to boot. As productivity increases thanks to innovative technology and we are able to suddenly do more with less, our lives do improve. But not to the extent that it would have if most of the gains were not redirected to the money makers, i.e., the bankers. They figure you won’t miss what you never knew you had. If only you knew how wealthy you are and what your government took from you in the name of social progress, but is in fact just old-fashion theft. How else are public servants worth so much off of a government salary? It is not a noble, public duty anymore. It is a crime ring.
I believe I have proved that the US dollar is a security. It requires the investment of money, be it gold or credit. It has an expectation of profits by the Federal Reserve which issues it and sets “interest rates” which is just a fancy name for prices, as in price-fixing, to make profits in the form of increased money supply, which is then used to buy hard assets like real estate and blue chip stocks. The exorbitant privilege of Americans, as De Gaulle famously said. American can just print “monopoly money” and go to the real market to buy actual goods and services of value. But no one else can. Shameful. To recap, the US dollar is a common enterprise which lives fully in the commercial domain, but is strangely bereft of market forces to keep it honest. Finally, the dollar is not a commodity that has value because it is an offering from mother nature or a phenomena of the universe, like gold which is courtesy of astroids. The US dollar is cultivated through the work of others to exist in the market. I present to you the US dollar, a security. QED
Hey SEC, when are you going to sue the Fed? The US dollar is an unregistered security. Stop the theft of the American people. Halt the monopoly on money. End the Federal Reserve now!