Noha Simsaa

Noha Simsaa

On Freedom

Happy Friday. Once again, I would like to remind you to not violate my rights, starting with my freedom of speech, and my presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Apparently, Peter McCormack is envious of our bill of rights. Which…

On Wealth

There is a thesis courtesy of Allan Farrington that Gross Domestic Product, otherwise known as GDP, is a misleading metric for measuring the performance of a nation state. My bad. I was totally conceptualizing wealth in GDP terms. When you…

On Generosity

Peter, I love you but you are wrong and Mark Moss is right. At least in this instance. Before you get upset, let me explain. The person who toils for 20 years, honing their skill, up-leveling their “game” because they…

On Fasting

For some reason, fasting seems to be a controversial practice. Which is strange because all world traditions and religions incorporate some form of fasting. In Islam, a whole month is dedicated to fasting, Ramadan. The Catholics have lent which is…