On Divorce

One of my favorite stories that I like to reference is when Prince Charles, at that time, was betrothed to Diana Spencer. There’s a famous news clip of the young couple, probably the BBC, with a reporter asking Diana about…

On Unicorns

Happy Sunday. I wanted to say something along the lines of another note, another week under our belt. But then I realized that technically Sunday is the start of the week, not the end. We have been conditioned to think…

On Gardens

Last night I had another weird dream but this time Kamal was in it. Funny that, since we are now divorced, without returns thanks again to Islam. For those that don’t know, in Islam you can’t remarry if you divorce…

On Girls

I am forced to create a whole new category of notes to contain these recurring dreams I am having lately with babies and little girls. The latest features both. I am in an Uber or taxi maybe. But instead of…

On Sudan

How to solve a problem like Sudan? In the same way that Bitcoin incorporates a multitude of disciplines within it that extend beyond just money, the Sudan conflict has a hornet’s nest of problems beyond just power struggles. As a…

On Feudalism

Ready for another installment of notes to brighten your weekend? This one is also based on a dream I had last night that is out of this world. Too soon? Bad joke? This one goes like this. We lived in…

On Maysa

I woke up and settled into my day to day routine. I immediately smoothed the bed. I was aware that I was not on script. I had diverged from the set piece, the tracks laid down to trap me into…

On Red

This time we have a jumble of dreams all mixed in together. Call it a Creole jambalaya. Yum. First ingredient is Red. There’s a girl’s night, at night. The setting of the story is London. I will ignore the squeak…

On Yellen

Matteo, I had a dream last night and you were in it. Nothing inappropriate, don’t worry. I know you are a married man. But as a Bitcoiner, I think you will like it 🙂 You and I are sitting in…

On Policing

Today, after making a multitude of calls, first to McLean Police Station, then the Central Dispatch and finally, Central Records, I managed to track down the two officers who committed the crime. Yes, you read that correctly. Police officers who…