Growing up in the west coast of Africa, in the small but prosperous nation of La Cote D’Ivoire, I was keenly aware of how expensive electricity was, thanks to my Dad. He would often give me, the eldest of four girls, impromptu speeches on how we have access to electricity thanks to the hydroelectric dam, all the way from Ghana, a neighboring country. And as such we have to be extra careful of our home usage. He would encourage me to turn off the lights once I left a room that I won’t be returning back to for a while. But not to switch the light off, if I am just alighting for a few minutes, on a quick errand to the kitchen to fix myself a snack. Turning on the air conditioning was an event and we would all pile in the one room with the air conditioner, rather than turn multiple ones on, even though all three rooms of the house had one. This was a country near the equator so it got very hot. Fans were ok but only if you were in the room. Nothing electric was left on by accident. To this day I don’t like air conditioning or fans. It goes without saying, these habits stayed with me to this day and now I am a card-carrying energy conservationist despite people in the west being completely, and I mean completely unawares of where their electricity comes from. They waste energy like water with devices that consume volts for breakfast, lunch and dinner with non-stop snacking in between. They might as well keep their faucets running 24, 7, 365 days a year for when they actually use them. Ridiculous when you think about it that way. Yet, that’s how we treat electricity because we don’t see or hear the current flowing. Direct or alternating, no matter. When was the last time you unplugged your TV, toaster, microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, washer/dryer because you are not using them? Never, right. Where does your electricity come from, do you know? You don’t, right? If tomorrow the world’s electric generators were to go out from an act of God, what would you do? Why die, of course. And that’s just it. We are all vaguely aware of energy deaths. If you pay attention, even in G7 countries, there are elderly people who are found dead because it got too cold in the winter, and too hot in the summer. Our planet is a Goldilocks planet. We are all well aware that our survival depends on a very narrow band of temperatures, be it Celsius or Fahrenheit. The main reason we live well, we are safe, we are healthy is thanks to electricity. Most underdeveloped countries are so-called undeveloped because of their lack of or inconsistent supply of electricity for the masses. Indeed, there is a direct relationship, a correlation that is most definitely not of the spurious kind, between access to abundant energy and wealth, as in earthly riches. That is the path to eliminating poverty in the world and stopping children going hungry; not by sending worthless dollars to charities like Oxfam and UN Food Programme. My childhood friend whose Dad worked for UNICEF, lived the high life in Geneva, Switzerland, thanks to all the donations you made. Nothing against my friend and her father, my father was in the same business. International development. Those organizations are well-intentioned at best, and treasonous at worst. Actually most likely they betray humans and humanity day in, day out. What you should do instead is fix the problem once and for all. Buy Bitcoin. You read that correctly. Bitcoin is single-handedly paying energy producers worldwide to source cheap, renewable and wasted energy to generate money. Put another way, Bitcoin takes in energy, in any form whether that be fossil fuel, nuclear, solar or wind turbines and puts out money. Real money. The kind you can bank on your own, for yourself. Not the money we have now which takes in energy, in the form of you waking up at an ungodly hour, to go to work, only to turn around and gives it to the bankers. Then the government steps in, once they get wind of you having funds, this time in the form of income taxes or stealth inflation. The Mafiaso indeed. In the end, you are left with a small bit to live on, but don’t forget the sales taxes or VAT for the Europeans, for whenever you buy anything from the store or your final resting place, the farm. In the meantime, the banks, in all their benevolent glory, safeguard your earnings, charge you fees, and then extra ones when you are feeling down and overdrawn. All the while, they are engaged in ruinous speculations in the money markets with your hard-earned savings which affords them fame and fortune, but renders you poor and homeless. Never mind that we are born man and woman, equal in the eyes of God, on a plentiful planet, built by the angels with liberty and justice for all. The politicians are betting on your ignorance of how much energy matters in your daily life, giving you eternal health and wealth. They, the masters of the dark arts; they want to snuff out any hope of you becoming free, happy and independent from their clutches. They need you to stay fat, dumb and stupid so you can spend, spend, spend, on credit of course, while they get rich off your debt, sweat and tears. Bitcoin is the real threat to their satanic, demonic plans and so they mean to stop it by any means necessary. They run scare tactics, using regulations and emergency-type surveys punishable by death. Where was the energy emergency response, FEMA, when New Orleans piled into the football stadium arena, looking to preserve American lives? What have you done since then, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, to ensure never again will the levees break? Nothing. People, people, wake up already. Your government is Voldemort. They are not the answer. They are the problem. Don’t let them destroy us. Remember, we don’t work for them. They work for us. Bitcoin unveils the true color of our sickly green agenda. Bitcoin is bright life, the other is sure death. Choose wisely. There is no coming back from the underworld.