For some reason, fasting seems to be a controversial practice. Which is strange because all world traditions and religions incorporate some form of fasting. In Islam, a whole month is dedicated to fasting, Ramadan. The Catholics have lent which is a form of fasting or doing without, usually meat. I recently learned from a new friend, who is not Jewish but is well-informed, that the Jews also practice a fast. I am not surprised. Having grown up as a muslim, I used to participate in Ramadan from an early age. It was hard because the muslim form of fasting is dry fasting from sunrise to sunset. Depending on where you are in the world, you can end up with really long fasts. Imagine living in Norway on the day when the sun never sets. Insane right? The good news is that there is reprieve for muslims in places like that, courtesy of some Islamic clerics. The interesting thing about Islam is that there are no “high priests”. It is a god-direct type religion; no middleman or woman. Your religious practice, your intentions are what matters. I find that the most virtuous attribute about Islam. It is like Bitcoin that way. A decentralized religion. As a muslim girl who lived around the world and interacted with all forms of religions, I tend to be non-dogmatic. It is more about the golden rule, treat others how you want to be treated, rather than dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s of some religious text, mindlessly. My family are all about “going through the motions” of Islam, praying five times a day, fasting Ramadan, going to Haj. But they are not good people. This is a painful truism that I have realized recently but it is a fact. They truly are not muslims. They think they can fool god but playing pretend but not actually pushing the limit on their human conditions to be moral, ethical, and unbound to material urges. Which brings me back to fasting. The idea of fasting as a religious practice across all history has been about discipline, appreciation of god’s bounty through food and water. It is a time of self-reflection, of resting the body systems, of cleansing. In Islam, even sex between husband and wife is forbidden during fasting as if to seek purity anew. To rediscover the miracle of the coming together as man and woman in pleasure and love. There are so many misconceptions about Islam and fasting in general. I have started fasting regularly as of late, as a healing therapy, not as a spiritual or religious endeavor. I do daily intermittent fasting and several long terms fasts to detox the system. It is about cleaning my body of debris and undigested sludge. It is about getting rid of excess and fat that builds on the body frame trapping toxins that slowly poisons the heart and mind. Fasting is the ultimate mind over matter. It is not about hunger or starvation. It is about being in control of one’s self. It is taking ownership of your health and honoring the gift of life. It is about honoring god. I call fasting my superpower. I have taught myself to go for quite a while. My longest fast, water only, was forty-four days. I started on March 11, 2023 and ended it on April 24, 2023. I told myself through it all that if the prophet can go to the desert and fast for forty days and forty nights, I should be able to as well. My mom came to collect me when I was ready to end my fast and I told her what I had done. Instead of congratulating me on my accomplishment, or expressing awe or wonder, she silenced me and tried to act as if I didn’t say anything. This from a woman who has fasted Ramadan for decades and understands what fasting represents. Needless to say, I have cut them off my life, my whole family. They are a disgrace to Islam. They know not god. Meanwhile, I am pursuing another fast in 2024, this time only a seven day one. I have some dirt to remove from my system. I just turned 50 and I would like to stay healthy and vibrant well into my old age. What most people don’t realize is that fasting is the best form of anti-aging. Rather than spending money on expensive creams or risky procedures, all you have to do is let go of earthly pleasures. The body knows how to heal. The body knows best. Happy fasting.