Happy Friday. Once again, I would like to remind you to not violate my rights, starting with my freedom of speech, and my presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Apparently, Peter McCormack is envious of our bill of rights. Which is funny because it is based on the Magna Carta, circa 1215, courtesy of England. And I mean, England. But somehow we forgot where we came from and what our ancestors endured to leave their homes, everything they know and love, to board ships bound for a new, scary homeland. Whether of their own volition or by force (cue African slavery). Senator Warren’s ancestors must be rolling over in the grave. Maybe she should ask King Charles if 3% stamp duty is still on the table, assuming that is, she really wants to “fight for the middle class.” You better believe she was of “working class” origin otherwise why would she be here in America in the first place? I didn’t see the Queen emigrating to America to better her lot. Did you? Senator Warren is a disgrace to her heritage, let alone Massachusetts and America. She has no business representing anyone, let alone a whole state. Tea party much. What with the 40% ish tax we pay to so-called Americans these days. Maybe even more when you factor in other taxes like sales tax, on top of income tax. We are already taxed to the hilt by the federal government, then state and local. How about inflation? Oh, wait. You didn’t know that was a tax? Yeah, well, that is another form of taxation without representation. It is a way to dim your economic fortunes without you being aware of it. You just think it is higher prices. Something out of reach; luxurious, expensive. You know, for the fancy folks. That’a not it. It is that your dollars are play money. They keep making more of them at a stroke of a computer key, and you have to pay more of your “Monopoly money”, aka the dollar, to get the same stuff you used to buy before. Like food, water, and a roof over your head. Only the necessities of life. Would you play a game of Monopoly with someone if you knew the game is rigged? If they kept adding more bills from another box of monopoly, while you couldn’t, so they can buy the premium real estate, but you just kept getting your “regular” stipend when you pass GO? You wouldn’t play that game, right? So then, why are you not getting up from the table and stopping play? Go ahead, call a red card. Throw a yellow flag to stop play. How you ask? Stop voting. Buy Bitcoin. Opt out of the current system. Be brave like your forefathers. Choose freedom. Just Do It. Your children will thank you. Like we thank our American founders and military servicemen and women. The enemy is not out there in Tokyo, Seoul, North Korea, Gaza, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Mosul, Aleppo, Kabul, Tripoli, Mogadishu, Tehran, Damascus, Beirut, Tal Aviv, Sarajevo, Moscow, or Kiev. It was always here, at home. It is Washington DC and its insatiable appetite for power and money. Let’s get together and end it, once and for all. We are all “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” That’s right. Its a movie, an oldie but a goodie. It is time for all of us to fight the good fight. The fight for freedom. Freedom on. Who’s with me?