On Hegel

Marty Bent in his latest TFTC episode with Chris Hume, called “raw milk” Hegelian in nature as a criticism of what’s wrong with our modern world. Hegel is known for his dialectic “thesis, antithesis, synthesis.”

In this sense, the thesis is “raw milk,” the antithesis is “just milk,”and the synthesis is “false equivalence,” I say.

Why does milk need to be qualified? Milk was by definition raw milk. Adding the qualifier of “raw” promotes a divide and conquer mentality, i.e., “us vs. them.”

This is the slippery slope of the decline of civilization and the fall of the “Roman” empire. Talk about a “world gone mad”, to quote Marty. Best to avoid Hegel. How about Schopenhauer or Nietzsche instead? One is mentor, the other is a protege. Do you know which is which? No? Figure it out. We are Bitcoiners. We have at least 80 IQ and counting.