On Policing

Today, after making a multitude of calls, first to McLean Police Station, then the Central Dispatch and finally, Central Records, I managed to track down the two officers who committed the crime. Yes, you read that correctly. Police officers who committed a crime. Felonies, no less. I charge them with “Breaking and Entering” and “Assault.” Not only did they transgress against the State of Virginia, they violated the law of the land.

On September 26, 2023, one of my sisters, either Sulafa, Sarah or Maysa called the police to have me checked for wellness. I have not figured out who yet. It is not like they have the strength of their conviction to own fully what they have done. That requires things like bravery, courage, integrity. I was told I need a FOIA request to find out which sister committed the offense of sicking goons on me. Any lawyers in the house? lawyers anyone?

Who needs doctors when the police can double as wellness professionals while moonlighting to catch criminals for kicks? Our tax dollars have never stretched so far! Wait, Maysa wants you to know she hears Moon River playing in the background and Sybil Shepherd is starring with Bruce Willis. Case in point, total insanity. Will she finally take a dose of her own medicine? Strength. Conviction. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

Maysa can’t be the one who called. Not while she’s in Nairobi, Kenya packing up her belongings to live out African dreams under Botswanan skies. She is handing over her Kenyan mobile number to Nicholas from Denmark to cover her tracks. Talk about moonlighting gigs for the proud, fiery Danes. It is not like they are fierce warriors or Vikings or something. Nah, they are docile pussy cats doing Maysa’s bidding. Computer (read AI) says “No” to that bullshit of a story, Maysa.

Maybe, she has already made it to Wandlitz, Germany, to hang out with her in-laws, Heike and Jurgen. She wants you to know she has “no house, no house.” Is she trying to conflate her life story with my ex-client who was also hanging out with her in-laws in upstate NY, in the finger lakes region, waiting for her dream house to be built?

It must be one of the other stooges who made the call to the police, doing her dirty work. Or else. I hear knocking at my door but I refuse to answer. I know my Bill of Rights. No warrant, no obligation to open the door. I lay in bed quietly, waiting for them to give up and leave.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming towards me. I am shocked. How did they enter? Did my building manager let them in? They come up to my bed, an officer on opposite sides of the bed. I am on my side, head tucked in, looking down. Not quite in a fetal position. My eyes are closed. The officer on my side is Black. He asks me if I am ok and insists I answer him. Is he my Dad? Am I 12 years old? I ignore him.

He reaches down and rolls me over in my own bed, on my back. I don’t respond, I don’t open my eyes. He then does something worthy of a Nazi concentration camp guard. I don’t “say” these words lightly or flippantly. But only a man who holds himself as a species above a living organism could do what he did. I might as well have been a bug, or a cockroach.

He presses his finger hard into my chest (I thank God it was not in my breasts) with a metal ring of considerable size (a signet ring, I imagine) to hurt me into giving him a response by sheer force. I am in great pain but I don’t respond. Defiant as ever remain I, young padawan. Remember Jedi, mind over matter. He does it again! This time I cry uncle.

Do you remember the scene in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere’s friend decides he is entitled to Julia Roberts because she is a prostitute. She refuses and they scuffle. He ends up punching her. Later when Richard Gere (i.e., Prince Charming) is comforting her with icepacks to her face, she asks him where do men learn to hit women right where it hurts.

Tell me, police officers. Which part of the wellness training teaches you to inflict bodily pain to elicit a reaction? What school of medicine believes that practice to be humane and a dignified way to treat any living being, let alone a fellow human, citizen, woman. Hence the WWII reference. Once you “other” people, your moral compass is deranged, like a demagnetized object spinning out of control. You turn into a psychopath overnight. The banality of evil, as the famous quote goes. See, I did not use it disrespectfully. Lest we forget. Lest we forget. Lest we forget.

As such, it would be totally inappropriate for me to tell you what I know so far. It would be really bad to share with you that the two McLean Police Station officers are Solane (badge number: 344715) and Leukeu (badge number: 368025). It is not like these guys work as law and order officials, the paragon of our community. It is not as if I,as a tax-paying Virginian, an original colony state that fought hard and spilled blood in a bid for freedom from the stifling British Crown, pay their salaries. It is not like they work for “We the People” or something resembling a profession of utmost duty, service and honor.

The one who attacked me in my own bed is Leukeu. I looked up the origin of the name and it was Cameroonian. Having grown up in Africa, I have fond memories of Cameroonian people. I told myself, a few bad apples does not ruin the crop. Besides, I am sure he’s American. Hey Leukeu, would you let a man do what you did to me, to your own wife, sister, daughter, niece, cousin? How about your mother? Because I am a mother. I am Mother Africa.